Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Did I wake up on the sun?!

I went out to the lake for Australia day yesterday, we had a picnic and stayed to watch the fireworks at 9.30pm. It was cold enough to wear jackets and have a blanket over Cathy and my legs, so how in the hell is it 39 degrees today?? For you americans that's like really hot, I could tell you how hot it is if my phone was near, but it isn't...so you'll have to find a website yourself and figure it out. I know, I know it's probably not as hot as Vegas in the summer, but the difference is in cali. and vegas when it's hot, there is a/c EVERYWHERE. You only feel the heat the few seconds you are getting out of the car and going back inside to someplace with a/c. Here I am, a southern cali chick and all I do is complain about how freakin' hot it is, but I'm not use to feeling the heat. So basically my point is, I'm hot and we should buy an a/c. I have at least 4 days of hottness...which makes me sadness :( and my brain doesnt' function well, while it's baking. I tend to try and put butter on the dog and put the toast out for a pee.
We didn't get any photos of Aus. day. Which is a shame because we had fun. My friend Cathy, her hubby Dave and their little girls Tilly and Maddy came along. So did teh in-laws which meant I didn't have to even remember I had small children with me (always good). Berlynn actually made it hard to forget her, with her trying to eat everything that was food and some stuff that wasn't (swan poop, i think). Cage ran around chasing tilly and nanny, but was the only one that the glow bracelet wouldn't fit around his ankle o.0.
The dog is wet and just rubbed up against my leg, Yuck!
That's pretty much all i can think of for now since my brain is turning into brainstew and i'm distracted by the dog that has to walk between me and the desk instead of behind me where all the room is.
quote of today "I believe in god when I have noone else to blame" Christopher Miller